Ash Wednesday
Join us for Ash Wednesday worship at 7 pm, featuring our new junior choir, the “Son”Shine Singers!
Join us for Ash Wednesday worship at 7 pm, featuring our new junior choir, the “Son”Shine Singers!
Join us for a free pancake supper to celebrate Shrove Tuesday, the day before Lent begins on Ash Wednesday!
Parents! Need a few hours of down time? Just drop the kids off at West View United Methodist Church! Finish your holiday shopping or just relax while the kids enjoy Christmas crafts and activities.
Our annual Christmas Musical, featuring the “Son”Shine Praise Puppets, will take place at the church on Saturday, December 7th (5:30 pm) as well as Sunday, December 8th, immediately following worship at noon. Join us for a fun and meaningful time of celebrating Jesus, the reason for the season!
Our annual Christmas Musical, featuring the “Son”Shine Praise Puppets, will take place at the church on Saturday, December 7th (5:30 pm) as well as Sunday, December 8th, immediately following worship at noon. Join us for a fun and meaningful time of celebrating Jesus, the reason for the season!
Support our Boy Scouts by attending their Annual Craft and Vendor Show!
Sunday, September 8th we kick off Sunday School at 9:45 am, move worship back to 11 am, and hold our annual church picnic immediately following worship! Join us for a great Sunday at West View UMC!
Anyone beginning a new school year this fall is invited to bring their backpack with them to worship for a special blessing and prayer!
VBS 2024 takes place from June 10th through 14th from 6:00 to 8:30 pm each evening. Kids from 3 to 12 are invited to join us for a fun week of games, snacks, and learning about Jesus' love for us all. Join us, and register using this link: https://westviewunitedmethodist.mycokesburyvbs.com/register-child
All-Church Visioning and Planning Days at West View United Methodist Church!
We want to be a growing church, not just in membership, but in our openness to the Spirit and willingness to follow Jesus in mission towards our neighbors. But, being the church God intends us to be requires prayerfully meeting together to discern both where God is leading us and what our missional focus should be. That’s why, in anticipation of Pentecost 2024, you’re invited to two all-church planning days to discuss where we’ve been in the past and where God is leading us in the months and years ahead. Your voice matters for the future of our congregation, and we hope you’ll be there to help discern God’s good vision for the future of West View UMC together!
Join us Saturday, May 4th and Saturday, May 18th from 9 am to 2:30 pm for All-Church Visioning and Planning at West View UMC!
All-Church Visioning and Planning Days at West View United Methodist Church!
We want to be a growing church, not just in membership, but in our openness to the Spirit and willingness to follow Jesus in mission towards our neighbors. But, being the church God intends us to be requires prayerfully meeting together to discern both where God is leading us and what our missional focus should be. That’s why, in anticipation of Pentecost 2024, you’re invited to two all-church planning days to discuss where we’ve been in the past and where God is leading us in the months and years ahead. Your voice matters for the future of our congregation, and we hope you’ll be there to help discern God’s good vision for the future of West View UMC together!
Join us Saturday, May 4th and Saturday, May 18th from 9 am to 2:30 pm for All-Church Visioning and Planning at West View UMC!
Join us for the return of the West View UMC Spring Flea Market!
Join us for a special Maundy Thursday Tenebrae service of worship, reading, and Holy Communion during Holy Week!
Our Palm Sunday worship will feature a special Easter tableau put on by our young people, telling the story of Holy Week through a series of powerful images! Our new junior choir, the SonShine Singers, will be singing as well, and all our invited to join us for a fellowship luncheon immediately following worship!
Join us for Ash Wednesday worship as we begin the season of Lent together.
Annual Shrove Tuesday/Mardi Gras Pancake Dinner
Tuesday, February 13, 2024
5-7pm. Free-will offering accepted.
Join us for our annual pancake dinner.
Menu: Pancakes/Syrup, Sausage, Orange Juice, Water, Coffee
Dessert: Ice Cream Bar (with all the fixin's!)
The Boy Scouts of West View Troop 83 will help lead our worship service on Sunday, February 11th. We’re thankful for all the Scouts do to support our church and community!
Vacation Bible School is open to kids ages 4 to 12 every evening from August 1st through 5th. Free dinner for all begins at 5 pm each night, with the VBS program running from 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm. We’d love to see you there!
West View UMC is bowling to help raise money for Boy Scout Troop #83 and Ryan Showalter's Eagle Scout Project. Everyone is invited on Saturday, April 28th beginning at 12 noon at Pines Plaza Lanes. A registration fee of $10 guarantees you 3 games of bowling plus shoe rental. You are invited to give and support Troop #83 as all donations will go to support their work.
Join us Easter Sunday morning, April 1 at 10:15 a.m. on the church lawn (weather permitting) for an Easter Egg hunt! Children toddler - 12 yrs old will hunt for the eggs hidden by our youth. It'll be a wonderful way to start our Easter Celebration. Easter Worship will begin at 11:00 a.m.
We are the host church this year for the annual Ecumenical Worship service! Please join us March 30th at noon in the Sanctuary for a community service with our local churches as we learn about Jesus Christ's final hours.
A service of healing as we gather with Jesus at the table for Maundy Thursday. Sickness, pain, un-health and worry have been part of our congregation. During this special service we will have a time of healing and communion.
Thursday, March 29th at 7 p.m.
Sunday, March 25 at 12 Noon
Everyone is invited for a meal following worship. The menu will include several different brunch casseroles, gluten-free option, salads (fruit and green), a kid menu and beverages.
No we aren't turning Cornell Ave into a skating rink (even though that would be awesome), but we are going out to North Park to spend some time out on the ice. Everyone from the church is invited to invite others and join us out on the ice.
Lent, the season of sacrifice, growth, and prayer begins on Ash Wednesday February 14th. The 40 day journey in which Christians walk with Jesus towards the cross learning, experiencing and sharing in the wonder of God's sacrifice for all of creation is marked by a special service in which we are marked by the ashes.
The handbell choir and Chancel Choir will help lead us through a special service in which we remember our mortality and begin this journey with Jesus towards the cross.
All are invited to share in this special time of worship
Pancakes, Sausage, Beverages and Dessert (Ice Cream Bar!) Adults--$5, Children $3. West View Men are cooking, and our youth will be serving, with everyone else eating and enjoying a good night. Proceeds benefit youth ministry. Invite your neighbors, friends to swing by the church for some pancakes and sausage!