Giving is both an act of faith and a spiritual discipline. In giving we trust God with our gifts to bring forth God's Kingdom; to take our portion and expand what God is doing in Jesus Christ in our world through these offerings. Our giving also becomes a spiritual discipline that opens our hearts and creates greater compassion and hope.
Stewardship and Giving…
Stewardship is the faithful use of all the gifts God has given: that's being good stewards of time, of tools, and of money. At West View we seek to be good stewards and share in the work of God in Jesus Christ.
All are encouraged to pray and listen for God's invitation to support what the Holy Spirit is doing in and through Jesus Christ at West View UMC. After prayer comes the time to act. Giving occurs in many ways. Either giving monthly, or weekly on Sunday mornings by placing your giving in the offering plate or giving online by clicking here.
As United Methodists, giving is interwoven with our call to share our lives together, and it allows us to grow in faith in one body as we trust and follow Jesus.