Volunteer — West View


Nothing breathes life into a church more than an engaged and enthusiastic congregation! At West View UMC, you are encouraged to be an active participant in our worship services! 

If you are interested in participating in worship at West View UMC, please fill in your name and email address in the form below. Don't be shy- the more the merrier!

Under "Message", please include any area(s) of worship you may be interested in. Examples:  serving as an usher or greeter, assisting in serving communion, planning a children's moment, reading scripture, singing, etc.

Submissions will be followed up by Pastor Matt or Brian Weaver.


The melodious West View UMC Choir is always looking to add voices to its songs! The choir, lead by the talented Brian Weaver, traditionally sings at Sunday worship services at 11AM in the Winter/Spring and 10AM in the Summer/Fall season. The choir meets in the sanctuary Thursday evenings from 6:30-8PM for practice and briefly from 10:30AM-11AM on Sundays before worship on Sunday to warm-up.  Please fill out your name and email address below if you are interested in learning more or joining our choir. 

 Submissions will be followed up by Brian Weaver.


Our compassionate West View UMC Care Team is lead by Rob Dangel. The hope of this team is to provide care to our congregation and our community.  Activities range from visiting friends when hospitalized or in nursing homes, patient advocacy, to organizing/cooking/delivering meals.  

Please fill our your name and email address below if you are interested in joining our Care Team.

 Submissions will be followed up by Rob Dangel


Our contemplative West View UMC Prayer Team is dedicated to praying over the West View UMC prayer list daily.  Members of this team meet "virtually" (meaning, via email, text message, etc.) to coordinate prayer practices, ensuring that every single day the joys and concerns included on our prayer list are being lifted up to God.  

Please fill in your name and email address if you would like to learn more or join our virtual Prayer Team. 

Submissions will be followed up by Jan Johnson


Our children's Sunday School program is a a wonderful, volunteer-driven program committed to teaching the children at West View UMC about loving God and one another.

When you volunteer as a Sunday School teacher, you get the opportunity to meet the vibrant, young members of our congregation. And bonus- no planning! You will be provided all lesson materials as well as craft supplies to help your lesson run smoothly. Linda, our wonderful Sunday School Superintendent, organizes a flexible, rotating scheduling that allows you to volunteer as much or as little as you like.

Submissions will be followed up by Linda Weismann.