All-Church Visioning and Planning Days at West View United Methodist Church!
We want to be a growing church, not just in membership, but in our openness to the Spirit and willingness to follow Jesus in mission towards our neighbors. But, being the church God intends us to be requires prayerfully meeting together to discern both where God is leading us and what our missional focus should be. That’s why, in anticipation of Pentecost 2024, you’re invited to two all-church planning days to discuss where we’ve been in the past and where God is leading us in the months and years ahead. Your voice matters for the future of our congregation, and we hope you’ll be there to help discern God’s good vision for the future of West View UMC together!
Join us Saturday, May 4th and Saturday, May 18th from 9 am to 2:30 pm for All-Church Visioning and Planning at West View UMC!